If you need advice on a contractual issue, help with the commercial/contractual management of your project, or help in understanding or reviewing a contract presented to you, then RJH has all of the expertise and experience that you need.
RJH regularly advises clients upon particular forms of standard contract, such as JCT, NEC, MF/2, FIDIC, and ICC forms. In addition we provide pre-contract reviews of proposed bespoke contract conditions or amendments, most commonly advising our Subcontractor clients on onerous and unfair terms which have been drafted by main contractors, and proactively helping them to avoid unknowingly accepting an unfair contract at the outset.
We also draft bespoke Subcontract and purchase order forms and conditions for our clients' ongoing use in their business. These are designed to be simple to use, easy for staff to follow, and protective of our Client's contractual risks. Development of commercial procedures and associated standard documentation for the business as a whole are also well within the scope of our expertise.
In live project situations, our contractual support services have proved to be vital on many occasions in ensuring that the correct contractual notices were in place, appropriate records were being maintained, and the final account agreement process was both straightforward and at a maximised level as a consequence of our detailed understanding of contractual entitlement, coupled with careful management of the paying party's cost expectations.
We also provide commercial and contractual training to Subcontractor's teams. Commercial Awarness for Project Managers is one of our most popular sessions, and we aim to help your teams to be a commercial asset to your business, whatever their specific roles.